Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by life that it feels like you are barely able to keep your head above the water?
Well, you are not alone! There is no denying that life as we know it is throwing us more curve balls than ever. We are all juggling so many things and it can feel easy for something to drop.

Taking the first step.
With three children, and a busy life, I found that life was taking over my own house and it was slowing us down. As a result, the mountain of washing was growing, there was a conveyor belt of food always in use, the party invites were on the increase and ageing family meant that as adults we had to step up. It all felt like a lot. I decided things needed to change.
So, I stripped life back and carved out a calmer lifestyle for my family. Together we looked at where the challenges were and rebuilt the foundations for a simpler way of living. Firstly, I decluttered, and continue to do so. The benefits were immediate. I freed up much needed physical space in our home and with less ‘stuff’, and stronger home organisation, my home became infinitely easier to manage.
The result – more space, greater mental energy, and precious time for more of what makes our family happy. I came to realise that it is more about ‘what’ we keep and less about ‘where’ we can hide it. So, I took back control, banished the clutter, and put the right systems and tools in place to live an easier life.
Do you want to take back control too?
I know organising is not for everyone. In fact, for many, it can fill you with dread. For others, you know what needs to be done but just don’t have the time or headspace to action it. If that sounds like you, don’t worry. That’s where I come in!
Being organised, planning, spreadsheets and container boxes all take me to my happy place. I have a wealth of organisational experience developed over the years. I’ve honed these skills throughout my professional television career and my personal life. Above all, decluttering and home organisation have brought me, my friends and my family, clarity, and peace of mind. Now I want to share my secrets for a more simplified life with you!
What can I do for you?
Do you need more Orka in your life?

The name Orka Living came from many months of brainstorming with friends and family. ‘Orka’ is Swedish and translates to simply having the physical and mental energy to be bothered to do something. For me this was a perfect fit. Combined with ‘Living’, my goal is to help my clients find this energy, space, and clarity to really live life to its fullest potential.
So here we are – Orka Living.

As a Professional Organiser, it is my hope that by sharing my tools and giving you the support, the vision, and the physical help you need to wade through what is holding you back, I can help free up your valuable time and space, allowing you to catch your breath and do more of what you love. I approach each client with a caring, non-judgemental manner, really listening to where you need change in your life.
Gone are the days where we need to be bogged down by to do lists, clutter, and paperwork; today is the day for clear minds, clear spaces and time to focus on yourself and your loved ones. I look forward to working with you in the future and I am confident that together we can be the change that you really need to live a simpler and more organised life.