Orka Blog

  • Welcome to Orka Living! Professional Decluttering and Organising Services

    Welcome to Orka Living! Professional Decluttering and Organising Services

    Well hello there! Thanks for stopping by to my blog! Let me introduce myself. I’m Julia, mum to three and at the start of what is a very exciting new chapter in my life as a Professional Declutterer and Organiser. For as long as I can remember I have been known as ‘The Organised One’.…

  • Unwrap a Stress-Free Holiday Season

    Unwrap a Stress-Free Holiday Season

    The holiday season can be a magical time, but for many, it’s also filled with stress and endless to-do lists. I’m excited to share a blog post I wrote for APDO (Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers) all about managing the holiday rush with ease. Discover simple tips to stay organised, reduce overwhelm, and truly…

  • Making Your New Property Feel Like Home

    Making Your New Property Feel Like Home

    Did you know that Monday 19th August is the UK’s National Moving Day! Apparently, this is the most popular day for moving home! But what makes a property a home? Moving into a new property is an exciting milestone but turning that house into a home can feel overwhelming. I would bet my life that…

  • Get Ready for Back-to-School: Final Prep Tips for a Smooth Start!

    Get Ready for Back-to-School: Final Prep Tips for a Smooth Start!

    As summer winds down and those long lies come to an end, the reality of back-to-school season starts to set in. Whether you’re excited for the new school year or feeling a bit overwhelmed, one thing is for sure: … a little preparation goes a long way in making the transition smoother. At Orka Living,…

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