Showing: 1 - 13 of 13 Articles

Ready, Steady, MOVE!

Mastering the Art of Moving: The Preparations & Move Day In 2023, The Independent wrote that “August is the most popular month to move home” according to research conducted from removal quotes. If you work backwards, moving in August likely means that you sold your house in June/July and therefore decided to put it on …

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Why decluttering and organising can improve your space, mind and mood for better mental health.

Often our lives get overrun with weeds that look a lot like plants. These might be good things, but if they are chocking the life out of the things that matter the most, they are weeds. If you want your plants to thrive, you must pull the weeds. Joshua Becker For as long as I …

Spring Clearing Week 2022 – Invest in Yourself and Clear for Calm

Today marks the start of the APDO Spring Clearing Week 2022, where APDO (Association for Professional Declutterers and Organisers) Organisers across the UK take to promoting the benefits that decluttering and organising can bring to your life. Each year there is a theme assigned to the Spring Clearing Week and this year our theme is: …

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Get Your Home Organised for Sustainable Living!

What are you doing to protect our planet? It is no surprise that with the recent COP26 and APDO’s National Organising Week focusing on getting your home organised for sustainable living, all things eco-friendly are hot topics just now. We all know that the effects of Climate Change are reaching new levels and we are …

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